CLIMBING YOUR PERSONAL EVEREST-skills for farming and homesteading!Mitch and Michelle are farmers at SUMMIT FARMS in Mitchis a celebrated speaker, acclaimed author, successful business and communityleader, and world-renowned athlete who has passionately guided thousands ofpeople in their journey to find their passion with purpose while making apositive difference in society for all. Continuing to challenge himself, Mitchand his wife Michelle are commercial farmers and in the hospitality business.WHEN? – 01/18/2025, Saturday 11am to 1 pm (2 hours).COST: zero dollars. Just bring yoursmiles, a positive attitude, and rubber boots for the farm tour.WHERE? - Dancing Goats and SingingChickens Organic Farm14062 Yelm Hwy SE, Yelm, WA 98597.This farm participates in Circular Economy andpractices Regenerative Agriculture. It is a 12-acres farm, located in Yelm, Washington.They started on 02/14/2017 and sell eggs, fruits, seeds, trees, veggies, andmanure for your garden. With great amount of enthusiasm and passion, thevolunteers in this community farm hold OPEN HOUSE educational events at thefarm to share knowledge during workshops on greenhouse construction, solarpanels, wind turbines, composting, Hugelculture, honey bees, rain waterharvesting, Earthship homes, sustainable living, lowering our foot-print andresponsible financial investments. High-school teenagers and college studentsare welcome to do internships where they will work and learn simultaneously.

CLIMBING YOUR PERSONAL EVEREST- skills for farming and homesteading.

Mitch is a celebrated speaker, acclaimed author, successful business and community leader, and world-renowned athlete who has passionately guided thousands of people in their journey to find their passion with purpose while making a positive difference in society for all. Continuing to challenge himself, Mitch and his wife Michelle and AARP late-in-life newbie commercial farmers and in the hospitality business. This is a case of life-imitating-art following his publishing of Billy the Baaad Goat in The Big Yellow Rocket Ship about couple who move away from the city during the pandemic and buy a farm (with a big red barn). They are literally learning agri-tourism from the ground up!


In the middle of a highly successful 40+year career as a quota-caring tech executive with some of the world’s most beloved brands, Mitch found himself feeling unfulfilled, out-of-shape and unhappy. He kept asking himself – is this as good as it gets? He was desperate to find his personal passion.

Mitch discovered running and signed up for his first marathon.

Over the course of the next 10 years, he achieved a complete transformation, moving from physical and mental challenges to triumphs, getting into the best shape of his life and achieving world-renowned physical achievements that put him in the company of only a handful of celebrated individuals.


Mitch appreciates fellow-human’s drive, motivation and intention and uses this energy to help inspire others through books, speaking engagements, and mentoring.

Mitch genuinely believes in the inherent goodness and potential greatness in all humans and the role we all have in helping to make the world a better place through giving back.

Now, more than ever, after the last few years, we’re all searching for purpose and meaning in our lives. Post-pandemic, there is a real yearning in so many to not only achieve more, but also to find their reason-for-being; and to find joy and happiness again. From our youngest grade-school children (and their teachers and parents) emerging after virtual/hybrid/masked learning – to corporate teams who are getting together for the first time in three years and learning to work with new colleagues – there is also an emotional and physical need to get together again and celebrate our accomplishments, achievements and to build energy for the journey ahead. And even more importantly, the desire to laugh more, to learn more, and to love ourselves and the possibilities when we work towards common goals and objectives.

Mitch’s presentations, whether to corporate teams, schools, clubs, senior centers or special events are designed with the relevancy for the attendees with guidance from the organizer or leader. Knowing the incredibly non-stop busy schedule of everyone these days, he makes sure the process, organization, communication and technical bits are as smooth and seamless as possible (Murphy notwithstanding). Mitch also pays particular attention to making the hour or so interesting, captivating, engaging, dramatic, humorous and visually stunning. Mostly he wants to make the experience memorable – and that it might inspire some to follow that dream by taking the first steps. We all have the potential to upgrade ourselves; to change our lives, while helping society and others in the process.

Dancing Goats and Singing Chickens Organic Farm is a 12-acres farm, located near the Nisqually Indian reservation in Yelm, Washington. Its main focus is not on making money, but on educating the children using the PETTING ZOO as a focal point of teaching. With great amount of enthusiasm and passion, the volunteers in the community hold OPEN HOUSE educational events at the farm to share knowledge during workshops on soil fertility, greenhouse construction, solar panels, wind turbines, composting, Hugelculture, honey bees, rain water harvesting, Earthship homes, sustainable living, lowering our foot-print and responsible financial investments. High-school teenagers and college students are welcome to do internships where they will work and learn simultaneously. On your quest for happiness, please consider stopping by the FARM to find tranquility!

This farm practices Regenerative agriculture and is beyond just organic! Products like eggs, honey, chickens, fruits, veggies and other goods are thoughtfully produced with meticulous attention to happiness of the hens, honey bees, pollinators and human farm volunteers! Potlucks and social gatherings for all farm helpers keep morale high. They believe in equal pay for all , above market average and the total compensation includes farm products also! The lamb/sheep and goats are all grass-fed, pasture-raised, free of antibiotics/hormones and the designated butcher shop for processing is also carefully chosen. Call today to schedule a farm-visit. 

Here is our new farm website in it's infancy - 

Here is our farm, recently awarded the SLOW FOOD SNAIL OF APPROVAL (a highly-coveted award) - 

Here is our farm on WWOOF'ers -

Here is our GOOGLE business page -

Here is our facebook page - 

Here is our farm featured on EAT LOCAL FIRST  - 

Here is our farm as a featured tourist destination for people visiting Washington -

Here is our farm on INSTAGRAM -

Here is our farm featured on front page of the newspaper -,333727

Here is our farm on the CARE FARMING NETWORK -

Newspaper article about inauguration of our new compost facility -,345624

Doctor AYUB'S transition from Physician to Farmer (written by MS HEIDI ROTH) -

Lizzie Ayub on why this Permaculture Regenerative Farm upped the ante by transitioning to SOCIAL CARE FARMING -

We are a values-driven farm. We believe in fighting for and standing up for other people, other species and our planet. We know climate change is real. We celebrate diversity. We work to pay our employees a fair, living wage for reasonable hours of work. We believe feeding people is activism, and we recognize that in order to make a living and pay our crew fairly, our produce is not necessarily affordable for all. We donate some produce to the regional food bank distribution center and are looking for other ways to increase accessibility. We understand that this work is a journey, not a destination, and we welcome feedback.


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