Full cord of firewood 🪵 you pick, you haul - $245
Rent a goat or sheep - $20 per week rental.
Orchard flowers honey 🍯- $30 for quarter gallon, $15 for a pint. (Smells wonderful like the juices of 1000 flowers!!)
Veggies seeds are $10 per pound
Compost cover crop seeds (10-way mix) is $10 per pound
Raspberries bushes- $15 each clearance price.
Honey locust, Black locust and black hawthorn(4 feet tall) - potted and ready to plant- $19 each clearance price.
Live sheep - $450 (200 pounds) and $350 (150 pounds)
Organic mint for tea or chutneys $2 for large bundle.
Bagged , screened 7-way manure (chickens, ducks, turkeys, goats, sheep, cows and pigeons) - $5 per bag.
Smiles, good vibes, 😎 conversations and happiness- FREE to all visitors and well-wishers.
Manure is $1 per bucket (BYOB- BRING your own bucket! You scoop the chicken coop or goats' shed!) 😃😃
Pollen is $15
Beeswax is $10 per pound
We are dedicated to farming in a way that focuses on soil, animal and crop health as it is our hope to increase the fertility and vibrancy of our land through our agricultural practices. To this end we are constantly pushing ourselves to be more attentive and educated growers not only focusing on production but taking a longer view as to how our practices will impact the land for many generations to come. In addition to 2 acres in vegetable production and 3 acres in fruits/chestnuts, we have 5 acres in pasture that we rotationally graze, allowing our meat birds, goats, sheep, cows and jungle chickens access to fresh forage with plenty of room to roam.
Dancing Goats and Singings Chickens Organic Farm is a lovely hybrid of farm, outdoor classroom, intentional co-housing community, petting zoo and garden where production goals and attention to beauty and detail harmoniously coexist. The farm is really part garden, part homestead, and part production farm which is the true expression of Lizzie, Amelia and Ayub's experience and passion for agriculture.
POTLUCKS: Feasting is at the heart of everything we do on our farm. Our greatest joy is sharing in the bounty with friends, family and neighbors. Some of our favorite moments on this agrarian journey happen during shared meals, where everything presented on the table is a product of our land and our effort. We aspire to transform soil into produce and flesh and then to again transform these products into nourishment and delicious memories.
Why Join a csa?
The community supported agriculture model is one of the most powerful ways to connect local farmers with local eaters! By joining a CSA you are truly becoming part of our farm family: sharing in the profit and loss of the farm throughout the season. By paying for your produce at the beginning of the year you help the farm invest in the seed, labor and infrastructure needed to get the farm going each season. CSA members take on some of the risk that farmers face every day with changing weather patterns, unpredictable pest and disease pressure and the daily needs of running and managing a small family farm. By assuming some of this risk CSA members not only get to share in the reward of the harvest, they help ensure that farmers can continue to produce healthy and vibrant food for their communities for years to come.
We think a share from our farm is one of the most affordable ways for families and individuals to access fresh and delicious produce. However, our CSA is a little different. Instead of us forcing our produce on you, you pay as you go. We follow the COSTCO model where you pay a flat membership fee ($10 per year in our farm share) and buy everything you want seasonally at a reduced price.
We farm year-round, rain, sun or snow and enjoy the hustle and hard work of growing food for our community. Our employees are truly what make the farm run, and although farming is incredibly mentally and physically demanding we value creating a safe and enjoyable work environment for our farm crew and nurturing folks’ skills and interests while on the farm.
We are a values-driven farm. We believe in fighting for and standing up for other people, other species and our planet. We know climate change is real. We celebrate diversity. We work to pay our employees a fair, living wage for reasonable hours of work. We believe feeding people is activism, and we recognize that in order to make a living and pay our crew fairly, our produce is not necessarily affordable for all. We donate some produce to the regional food bank distribution center and are looking for other ways to increase accessibility. We understand that this work is a journey, not a destination, and we welcome feedback.
We aim to grow high quality, nutrient dense, colorfully diverse produce, available year round. We seed a mix of open pollinated and hybrid varieties, selected for both the best eating quality and exceptional performance in the field. We grow produce that we want to eat, and hope you enjoy it too.
Our growing practices are strictly organic, although we choose not to be certified. We spread rich compost, use organic fertilizer and potting soil, plant cover crops, spray dynamic compost teas and grow flowers for beneficial insects.
Here is our new farm website in it's infancy - https://dancinggoatsandsingingchickens.com/
Here is our farm, recently awarded the SLOW FOOD SNAIL OF APPROVAL (a highly-coveted award) - https://www.slowfoodgreaterolympia.org/snail-awardees
Here is our farm on WWOOF'ers - https://wwoofusa.org/en/host/24358-promoting-food-justice-as-a-movement-through-education-of-the-general-public
Here is our GOOGLE business page - https://www.google.com/maps/place/Dancing+Goats+And+Singing+Chickens+Organic+Farm+Llc
Here is our facebook page - https://www.facebook.com/dancinggoatsandsingingchickensorganicfarmLLC/
Here is our farm featured on EAT LOCAL FIRST - https://eatlocalfirst.org/listing/dancing-goats-and-singing-chickens-organic-farm/
Here is our farm as a featured tourist destination for people visiting Washington - https://www.experienceolympia.com/blog/where-learning-grows-explore-dancing-goats-and-singing-chickens-organic-farm/
Here is our farm on INSTAGRAM - https://www.instagram.com/explore/locations/107889581467223/dancing-goats-and-singing-chickens-organic-farm/
Here is our farm featured on front page of the newspaper - https://www.chronline.com/stories/dancing-goats-and-singing-chickens-organic-farm-welcomes-community-in-agriculture-lifestyle,333727
Here is our farm on the CARE FARMING NETWORK - https://carefarmingnetwork.org/directory-member_farms/listing/dancing-goats-and-singing-chickens/
Newspaper article about inauguration of our new compost facility - https://yelmonline.com/stories/local-farm-hosting-event-to-celebrate-waste-storage-structure-composting-facility,345624
Doctor AYUB'S transition from Physician to Farmer (written by MS HEIDI ROTH) - https://www.crunchcreative.work/chefs-makers/dancinggoatsfarm
Lizzie Ayub on why this Permaculture Regenerative Farm upped the ante by transitioning to SOCIAL CARE FARMING - https://ambrook.com/research/perspective/care-farm-touch-grass
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