Hi! My name is Farmer Muhammad Ayub. I am 53 years old and still learning. I live and farm with my wife, Lizzie, and children/grandchildren in Yelm, WA. I am driven to join this cause of the Thurston CD to help preserve farmland and the traditional agricultural life-style that is typical of this county, before the concrete jungle started encroaching. Carcinogens in the environment, deforestation, soil erosion and pollution have become a runaway train. I would love to contribute my time, energy, talent and skill-set towards furthering the goals of the Conservation District. Working together helps us move systematically towards milestones of measurable success. Fresh, energetic horses are needed to pull this carriage in this relay race. Cross-pollination of ideas will help the "hive-brain" to be successful. I bring the local farmers' voice to the table and I am most enthusiastic and passionate about this cause.
As an immigrant to this beloved country, I started my journey in Madras (Chennai), India. I have been in the United States since 1996 and became a citizen in 2004. I have an MD- Doctor of Medicine from Texas A & M University and Fellowship in Academic teaching. Past work includes United Nations (ER-doc), CHCKC- Community Health Centers of King County, SEAMAR, Whidbey Island hospital and Aberdeen hospital. Currently, I work at Madigan hospital on Fort Lewis, WA. When not busy farming, I enjoy yoga, tai-chi, silent retreats, forest walks and reading Permaculture books. As a patron of my local TRL library, I think it is a pillar of our civilization.
I am active with non-profit Edible Forest Gardens (Ms. Pat Rasmussen) and SFF- Sustainable Farms and fields. Other civic organizations in the recent past include PSR- Physicians for social responsibility, PHR- Physicians for Human Rights, VFP- Veterans for Peace, Rachel Corrie Foundation, FOR- Fellowship of Reconciliation, ITTP- International Trauma Treatment Program (Dr. Van Eenwyk) and the local Islamic Center of Olympia.
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