All trees are 2-3 feet high and bare-root, ready to be planted. Plz. bring a big box or large garbage bags to contain the wet roots.


Nursery gates are closed on other days. 

Please call before you start driving to ensure what you want is in stock because we are selling out fast as some folks are buying 20-30 trees each. 

Call Farmer Dolphin Ayub (Eye-yoob) at cell - 3-6-0-4-8-9-2-8-3-0-

Dancing goats and Singing chickens Organic farm.

We also have the following trees in big gallon containers with special soil, mycorrhizae and unsulfured molasses, ready to plant:

1- ITALIAN PRIMATO EDIBLE CHESTNUTS(Italian pure breed or American/Chinese Hybrids or Chinese pure breed)

2- Siberian Pea Shrub.

3- AMERICAN HYBRID EDIBLE CHESTNUTS.(Italian pure breed or American/Chinese Hybrids or Chinese pure breed)

4- RED OSIER DOGWOOD (very pretty).


6- HAZELNUTS-(Yamhill or Jefferson- nice large nuts)





11- MULBERRY (red mulberry and black mulberry)

12- Cherries, Peaches, Plums, Apricots, Seaberry (SEA BUCKTHORN)


14- ITALIAN PURPLE PLUMS (SMALLER than American plums but extremely sweet and juicy)


16- Gooseberry

17- ELDERBERRY, (black elderberry and blue elderberry)




21- ROSA RUGOSA (beneficial permaculture plant to attract pollinators to vegetable gardens or orchards.)

22- Pacific Nine bark

23- Thimbleberry

24- Cascara Sagrada (Rhamnus purshiana)

25- Pacific Dogwoods.

26. COLORADO BLUE SPRUCE (Picea pungens) 4 year seedling (Real Christmas Tree)

27. Golden currants AND RED CURRANTS.

28. MOCK ORANGE (Heady perfume in flowers!)

29. Gooseberries

30. Chocolate mint

31. Rhubarb

32. Caroline ever bearing raspberries.

33. Russian Antonovka apples.

34. Bartlett pear trees.

35. We also sell seeds for vegetables, flower seeds, green cover crops, nitrogen fixers by the pound ($10 per pound.)

36. Chicken eggs are $5 per dozen and duck eggs are $6 per dozen.

37. HONEY GLASS JARS (32 ounces) are $30 each or 4 for $100

38. Firewood is $20 to load a car trunk or $100 for loading a minivan. $249 for a full cord (4 feet x 4 feet x 8 feet = $128 cubic feet)

39. Woodchips for mulching - $1 for fill up your own bucket, $40 for a tractor to fill up your truck bed.

40. Chicken, goats, sheep manure mix - $1 for fill up your own bucket, $40 for a tractor to fill up your truck bed.

You can mix and match if you prefer to get 10 for $200. (Any more trees above 10 will be easy discount price of $20 for you!)

Thankyou for supporting a small farm. We appreciate and value your patronage ! 

Dancing Goats and Singing Chickens Organic Farm is a 12-acres farm, located near the Nisqually Indian reservation in Yelm, Washington. Its main focus is not on making money, but on educating the children using the PETTING ZOO as a focal point of teaching. With great amount of enthusiasm and passion, the volunteers in the community hold OPEN HOUSE educational events at the farm to share knowledge during workshops on greenhouse construction, solar panels, wind turbines, composting, Hugelculture, honey bees, rain water harvesting, Earthship homes, sustainable living, lowering our foot-print and responsible financial investments. High-school teenagers and college students are welcome to do internships where they will work and learn simultaneously. On your quest for happiness, please consider stopping by the FARM to find tranquility!


Nursery gates are closed on other days. 

Please call before you start driving to ensure what you want is in stock because we are selling out fast as some folks are buying 20-30 trees each. 

Call Farmer Dolphin Ayub (Eye-yoob) at cell - 3-6-0-4-8-9-2-8-3-0-

Dancing goats and Singing chickens Organic farm.

Address is : 14062, Yelm Highway SE, Yelm WA-98597

DIRECTIONS from Seattle-Tacoma International Airport (SEATAC):

1- Take I-5 South and exit 116 (MOUNTS ROAD.)

2- Take a left above the freeway onto MOUNTS RD / NISQUALLY RD SW. (Road curves and changes names.)

3- Make a left turn onto RESERVATION ROAD.

4- Make a left onto HWY 510 (Yelm HWY SE)

5- Cross the NISQUALLY RED WIND CASINO ON your right.

6- Note the odometer - because the house is on your left, exact 2.65 miles from the casino.

7- Cross South Worth Elementary school on your right.

8- On your left is the entrance to the house (Black Gate) with red pillars. House numbers are there on the mailbox also.

9- come towards the White House with the black pillars. 

DIRECTIONS from Olympia, Lacey area :

1- Take I-5 NORTH and exit 111, MARVIN ROAD.

2- Stay in your right lane at the fork in the road.

3- At the circle, keep going straight towards BURGER king or the Traffic light.

4- At the light, make a right turn onto MARVIN ROAD.

5- Cross 4-5 lights until you come to a traffic circle.

6- Make a left turn (THIRD EXIT) in the traffic circle onto PACIFIC AVE.

7- Cross the NISQUALLY RED WIND CASINO ON your right.

8- Note the odometer - because the house is on your left, exact 2.65 miles from the casino.

9- Cross South Worth Elementary school on your right.

9- On your left is the entrance to the house (Black Gate) with red pillars. House numbers are there on the mailbox also.

10- come towards the White House with the black pillars ! 

Call me on the cell phone at 3*6*0*-4*8*9*-2*8*3*0* if you get lost.

Thank you 🙏 for supporting a small farm!


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