45-seeds mix for cows, sheep, goats! Cover crops SEEDS for improving soil fertility, Perennial Flowers mix for beneficial insects, Vegetable seeds for permaculture food forest. 

You can buy and share with your neighbors and friends. Plz call @Farmer Ayub- 360-489-2830 with specific questions.

Limited supply, NO RAIN CHECKS, First come-First served. Functioning like a GRANGE or farmer's club for buying large quantities and sharing with neighbors to increase soil fertility. 

We ordered some of these for our own farm from University of IOWA extension and we are only selling the excess bags.  When they are gone, ad will be deleted next day. Advance orders will require advance payment by Apple-pay, Venmo, Cash-app, Paypal, Zelle, Check or Cash. Sorry, we don't take credit cards or EBT yet. 

PLEASE call before starting to drive.


14062 YELM HWY SE, YELM, WA- 98597.

We have the following seeds in stock and ready to go now-

$177 each 50# bag. 

- Cool Season Soil Builder - Our Cool Season Soil Builder Mix includes 11 different species designed for improving soil organic matter and controlling weeds. This diverse blend of legumes, grasses, brassicas, and broadleaves all work in synergy to build soil. Legumes convert nitrogen in the atmosphere and make it available to other plants while prolific grassroots improve soil aggregation and water infiltration. Brassicas are excellent scavengers of nutrients unavailable to other plants. Broadleaves for their part offer a deep taproot to break up compaction and their flowers attract beneficial insects. This combination leaves no room for weeds to grow to keep your fields clear for your next crop. If you want to improve the quality of your soil, this mix is for you! $177 each 50# bag. 

- Overwintering Mix- Our Overwintering Mix is designed to be planted in the fall and overwinter, providing ground cover and a living root throughout the cold winter months. Hairy Vetch, Fixation Balansa Clover and Wyoming Winter Peas are some of the most cold-hearty legumes that will provide organic nitrogen in the spring. Elbon Cereal Rye and P919 Beardless Winter Barley provide a carbon source, massive root growth, and living mulch perfect for rolling or mowing in the spring. This creates a clean planting area for your cash crop to be planted in the spring. Rapeseed is a great forage if you want to graze this mix, but it also provides a great taproot for breaking compacted soils. $177 each 50# bag. 

-  Beardless Winter Barley-Barley has relatively low water usage compared to other cover crop species, especially during earlier growth stages. Under poor fertility conditions, barley would be a good choice and can help render P & K available for your next crop. Barley provides a good feed quality grain that can be harvested 2-3 weeks earlier than wheat which then allows your double crop/cover to be planted sooner. Compared to oats, barley produces more tillers and vegetation that will remain erect longer after termination. Carbohydrates known as monosaccharides are excrete through the roots to feed the soil biology and barley has been observed to release more monosaccharides than even alfalfa. $177 each 50# bag. 

- Buckwheat- Buckwheats vigorous growth habits make it an exceptional choice for a quick establishing crop with superior weed suppression. This is your crop if you desire a crop that flowers quickly and for extended periods of time. Flowering can occur in the first three weeks of growth and continue on for ten weeks. These flowers attract a large array of beneficial and pollinator insects. If soil moisture usage is a concern then buckwheat is a good choice. Buckwheat uses about half as much water as a soybean crop. $177 each 50# bag. 

$277 each 50# bag. 

-  High Diversity Mix-MOST POPULAR and fastest selling mix -Maximize your diversity in a bag with this season long blend. Here we combine cool and warm season species for a blend that can provide flexibility throughout the growing season. Each species growth is different than the next so you can enjoy watching the mix naturally succeed. Challenge yourself by trying to identify the seed and then again when the plants obtain some growth. SEEDS INCLUDED- 4010 Spring Pea, Common Vetch, Cowpeas (Iron & Clay), Golden Flax, Indian Head Spring Lentil, Kentucky Pride Crimson Clover, Ladino White Clover, Mammoth Red Clover, Mancan Buckwheat, MT Hairy Vetch, White Proso Millet, Yellow Blossom Sweet Clover, Bayou Rape Hybrid Kale, Faba Beans, Impact Forage Collards, Japanese Millet Blend, Marvel Chickpea, Mung Beans, Trophy Rapeseed, Austrian Winter Pea, Nitro Radish, Sunn Hemp, Yankee Cereal Rye, 5518 Hutchinson Blend Soybeans, AS6401 SxS, Boston Plantain, Brown Top Millet, Catjang cowpea, Endure Chicory, Hayden Spring Oats (Certified), Indian Gold Mustard, Kodiak Brown Mustard, Okra, Pearl Millet, Piper Sudangrass, Red Ripper Cowpeas, Sunflowers, Sweet Forever Sorghum Sudan, White Gold Mustard, White Wonder Millet, Wildlife Habitat Blend Grain Sorghum. $277 each 50# bag. 

- Mycorrhizal Mix- Our Mycorrhizal Mix is designed to create the perfect environment for mycorrhizal fungi to thrive. Plant roots only have access to about 1-2% of the soil profile. That means 98% of nutrients and minerals within the soil are unavailable to your crop. Thankfully, God designed healthy soils with fungi that can live in the soil profile connecting to plant roots. These mycorrhizal fungi mine nutrients unavailable to the plant root and give them to the plant in return for sugar. This mix is designed with plants that interact with mycorrhizal fungi and promote life in your soil. If you are looking to reduce input costs and make use of what is already in your soil, this mix is for you! SEEDS INCLUDED IN THIS MIX - Mung Beans, Common Vetch, Indian Head Spring Lentil, Dixie Crimson Clover, Hayden Spring Oats, Lacey Spring Grain Barley, Wildlife Habitat Blend Grain Sorghum, Tam Tbo Annual Ryegrass, Tifleaf III Hybrid Pearl Millet, Golden Flax, Super Bee Phacelia, Black Oil Sunflower, Baldy Safflower, MycoMaxx mycorrhizal inoculant. $277 each 50# bag. 

-  Cool Season Pollinator Mix - Our Cool Season Pollinator Mix includes over 20 flowering plants to attract beneficial insects. This diverse mix offers everything insects need to survive throughout the spring or fall. The variety of flower colors will attract many different insects benefiting both the plant and the soil. Our unique combination of indeterminate plants with fast-growing crops ensures a steady supply of pollen all season long. If you want to promote life in your field by importing thousands of new, beneficial inhabitants, this mix is for you. SEEDS INCLUDED IN THIS MIX - Dixie Crimson Clover, Hubam White Sweet Clover, Persian Clover, Frosty Berseem Clover, Namoi Woolly Pod Vetch, MT Hairy Vetch, Common Vetch, Indian Head Spring Lentil, Korean Lespedeza, Hayden Spring Oats (Certified), African Cabbage, White Gold Mustard, Florida Broadleaf Mustard, Kodiac Brown Mustard, Nitro Radish, Golden Flax, Super Bee Phacelia, Finch Safflower, Black Oil Sunflower. $277 each 50# bag. 

- Crimson clover. Crimson clovers spring growth can rapidly produce a large amount of biomass. Crimson can grow at lower temperatures better then almost any other clover species. Maturing earlier in the spring than hairy vetch allows this species to reach its maximum N production sooner. Peak N production occurs during flowering around the middle of May when it is induced by 12 hours of daylight. This species grows great in mixes and fits well into a traditional corn/soybean rotation. Even if the clover is winter killed, it still can produce a thick mulch that reduces erosion, increases infiltration and has been shown to inhibit small seeded weed species from germinating. If desired, crimson clover can be utilized in a rotation that would allow it to reseed the field. The deep, red blossoms are 1/2-1" in length and are renowned for their beauty and nectar production. The flowers attract many pollinators and some very beneficial insects, such as pirate bugs and lady bugs.$277 each 50# bag. 

- Dutch White Clover-White dutch clover seed is a perennial used for erosion control, lawn alternative, food plots, green manure crop, pasture mixtures, ground cover, and many other uses. White clover helps boost soil nitrogen levels, taking nitrogen from the air and fix it in the soil. It can also be used an a lawn alternative.“It does come back each year from seeds and spreads.” Clovers spread by underground stems called rhizomes, which easily allow the plants to creep through the lawn.$277 each 50# bag. 

- Fixation Balansa Clover-Due to the very small seed size, comparable to a white clover, Balansa requires less pounds of seed per acre than many other clovers. When Balansa is in the early rosette stage of its life cycle, above ground growth may be limited but it will be utilizing its energy to anchor the taproot which has been observed to reach 18" deep in just 45 days. Balansa is very tolerant of grazing in the rosette stage, in fact this actually encourages Balansa to tiller more readily. If your suffering from soybean cyst nematodes an added bonus is that Balansa isn't a host plant, while crimson clover is a moderate host. Flowering will occur about two weeks later than crimson clover in the spring and can last for about 4-5 weeks. The flowers can range from white to pink and are very attractive to pollinator insects. As Balansa matures it produces very large hollow stems, making a roller/crimper a viable termination method.$277 each 50# bag. 

- Bayou Rape Hybrid Kale -It usually takes up to 65 days for kale to be ready after planting it from seed. Don't pick the terminal bud at the top of the plant, but harvest one fistful of leaves each time you pick the kale. Kale can grow until temperatures reach 20 degrees, and frost adds to the taste.Is kale cut and come again? When kale is harvested properly, it works as a cut and come again vegetable that quickly grows back to regenerate its leaves for multiple harvests. For your kale to grow back, harvest the oldest leaves first—those on the outside of the plant at the bottom.Kale will grow for up to 2 years in your garden. The first year of growth gives you plenty of delicious leaves. In the second year, your plants will focus on producing seeds. Grow your kale as annuals if you just want leaves from your plants.Kale is a dark, leafy green you can eat raw or cooked. This superfood has been on dinner plates since Roman times and has long been common across much of Europe. The vegetable hails from the cabbage family, which also includes broccoli, cauliflower, and collards.$277 each 50# bag. 

$99.99 each 5 pounds bag:

-  Shoshone Sainfoin Certified -OMRI Exceed Pre-Coat (sheep-Goat-Llama-donkeys-cows deworming plant). Sainfoin provides effective worm control when fed to livestock as it disrupts the worm's life cycle. Sainfoin contains condensed tannins which bind to proteins and protects them as they pass through the rumen, allowing them to be digested and absorbed, something that does not happen with other legumes. It has high protein content, is highly palatable and livestock often prefer it over alfalfa. This cool-season legume, alone or in mixtures with grass, can be hayed, silaged or grazed. The flowers of Sainfoin attract huge numbers of insects. Sainfoin may attract up to ten times more bees than white clover. When Sainfoin flowers, it is so appealing to Honeybees that they will often ignore all other nectar sources to forage on it. Sainfoin is a nitrogen fixer, so Rhizobia in root nodules of sainfoin fix nitrogen and boost soil nitrogen. The roots penetrate to great depths and pull nutrients up from the subsoil. Sainfoin has been found to increase the sequestration of nutrients such as phosphate. It is the ideal crop to sow ahead of cereals or brassicas in the rotation. $99 each 5 pounds bag.

$9.99 each half pound bag: 

- Perennial Pollinator seed mix. Our Perennial Pollinator Mix is designed to create a constant supply of flowering plants throughout the growing season. For every yield-robbing pest, there are 1,700 other insects that are beneficial. In order to build beneficial populations, you need to supply food and shelter. This mix covers both areas with our blend of clovers and other legumes providing flowers from early spring until winter. Forbs like Plantain, Chicory, and Small Burnett create the perfect home for shelter and laying eggs. If you want to promote a consistent life in your field, this is the mix for you! $19.99 each half pound bag: seeds included - MT Hairy Vetch, Common Alfalfa, Shoshone Sainfoin, Medium Red Clover, Ladino White Clover, Yellow Blossom Sweet Clover, Alsike Clover, Hubam White Sweet Clover, Norcen Birdsfoot Trefoil, Endure Chicory, Small Burnet, Boston Plantain, Native Perennial Mix.$9.99 each half pound bag.

$9.99 each 1 lbs. bag. 

- Grow your own chicken/ducks/turkeys food mix. This diverse mix offers everything CHICKENS/DUCKS/TURKEYS need to thrive. Flowering plants like Sunflowers, Buckwheat, and Mustard will attract insects for adults and chicks, while seed-producing plants like Mung Beans, Soybeans, and Flax provide enough feed your birds will never have to be hungry. Our variety of millets and sorghums will make a perfect shelter for thick cover and room to roam. If you want a mix that provides habitat, nutrition, for chickens/ducks/turkeys; then, this is the mix for you! SEEDS INCLUDED IN MIX- Red Ripper Cowpeas, Laredo Forage Soybeans, White Proso Millet, Mancan Buckwheat, Grain Sorghum, Japanese Millet, White Wonder Foxtail Millet, Tricker Forage Sorghum, White Gold Mustard, Kodiac Brown Mustard, Florida Broadleaf Mustard, Nitro Radish, Black Oil Sunflower, Golden Flax, Decorative Gourd Mix. $9.99 each 1 lbs. bag. 

- Block the traffic view, privacy shade, sound barrier, living-wall seed mix. - The View Blocker blend is specifically designed to create an annual tall screen to block the view of your food plots from roads and neighbors. It includes four sorghum species that range from a 5′ tall, stout stemmed dwarf type to Egyptian Wheat and long season forage sorghum that can grow 10-12′ tall. The shorter and stouter species help hold the taller species up during the late winter cold weather. The ratio of species in the mix is designed to produce a screen that will last well into the winter/spring. View Blocker grows massive amounts of biomass while improving the soil’s health. *This Product Is Pre-Inoculated* Seeds in the View Blocker blend have been coated with Elevate Ag's HyprGerm biological stimulant. HyprGerm contains nutrients, hormones and enzymes from kelp extract, worm castings, chitosan, and humic acid for increased seed germination, plant vigor, root growth and soil biological stimulation. Healthier and more vigorous plants will lead to healthier animals and bigger antlers! $9.99 each 1 lbs. bag. 

- Sugar Beets- sweetred (Heirloom, non-GMO)Sugarbeet seed should not be planted greater than 1.5 in. deep. The plant has a taproot system that utilizes water and soil nutrients to depths of 5 to 8 ft. The life expectancy of sugarbeet leaves varies from 45 to 65 days and is temperature dependent. Sugar beets are well adapted to a wide range of soil types. Sugar beets are produced on coarse textured sandy soils to high organic matter, high clay content, silty clay loam soils. Sugar beets do not grow well on highly acidic soils and grow best on soils with a pH of 6.0 to 8.0. Seeding Rate: Broadcast -> 8-10 lbs/acre. Drilled -> 3-4 lbs/acre. Seeding Depth: 1/4"-1/2" deep in well prepared seedbed. Seed Count: 10,000 seeds per pound.$9.99 each 1 lbs. bag.

-  Piper Sudangrass- Amazing tall, looks like sugarcane waving in the wind. Good for forage and erosion control. Mycorrhizae love the roots. One way that Sudangrass (often called by a trade name, Sudax) adds so much biomass is by getting big. It can grow from 5 to 12 feet tall, with stalks up to one half inch thick. Dry matter production of 4,000 to 5,000 pounds per acre, or more, is not uncommon. $9.99 each 1 lbs. bag. 

-  Clemson Spineless 80 Okra - Okra, believe it or not, is an excellent summer cover crop. It is drought tolerant, thrives in hot weather and can grow in a range of soil types. Okra makes a large sized plant and has an impressive taproot that will break up compacted soil. $9.99 each 1 lbs. bag. 

- Hairy Vetch- Hairy vetch is one of the most winter hardy legumes. Being more winter hardy than common vetch, hairy vetch has the potential to withstand temperatures in excess of 5F with no cover. This species is known to have a great rooting system, with a tap root that will extend 1 to 3 feet into the soil profile. This taproot will allow the vetch to thrive even in dry conditions. When hairy vetch is placed into a mix, it can help bring the C:N ratio of the mixture down. This reduces the risk of nitrogen immobilization for the next crop. $9.99 each 1 lbs. bag. 

- Alfafa seeds for sprouting for humans or planting for perennial forage. Alfalfa has been shown to help lower cholesterol and may also have benefits for blood sugar management and relieving symptoms of menopause. People also take it because it contains antioxidants, as well as nutrients like vitamin K, copper, folate, and magnesium. Alfalfa is also extremely low in calories. $9.99 each 1 lbs. bag. $9.99 each 1 lbs. bag. Alfalfa can provide a high quality forage, green-chop, or pasture. This versatile crop can tolerate a wide range of soil and climatic conditions, and has the highest yield potential and feeding value of all perennial forage legumes.

- - Milpa Garden Warm Season seeds mix. -Our Milpa Garden Warm Season mix is a great way to get fresh produce with minimal amounts of labor. The milpa technique originated in Central America where the Mayans used a mixture of corn, squash, and beans to improve the soil and grow food. At Permaculture Cover Seeds, we went beyond the three sisters and compiled a mix of over 40 different seeds. This is an excellent way to utilize a small portion of land to produce food without going through the hassle of tillage, weeding, and hours of planning. If you want a fun mix to grow food for your family, community or even local food pantry, this is the perfect mix for you! SEEDS INCLUDED IN MIX - Assorted Squash Varieties, Cucumbers, Watermelons, Pumpkin, Gourds, Cylindra Beet, White Cloud Swiss Chard, Impact Forage Collards, Nitro Radish, Purple Top Turnip, Florida Broadleaf Mustard, Roquette Arugula, Hubam White Sweet Clover, Crimson Clover, Chia, Red Ripper Cowpeas, Mung Beans, 4010 Spring Forage Pea, Mancan Buckwheat, Mammoth Sunflower, Black Oil Sunflower, Golden Flax, Okra, Grazing Popcorn, Borage, Garland Daisy, Sweet Alyssum, Baby's Breath, Marigolds, Four O Clock Flowers, Cornflowers, Calendula Flowers. $9.99 each 1 lbs. bag. 

- FAVA OR FABA BEANS - Fava beans are one of the oldest plants under cultivation, having been grown in ancient Greece and Rome. Unlike other beans, they prefer cool weather, allowing them to be planted — and harvested — much earlier. Fava beans have a distinct flavor and creamy texture that make them a fine ingredient for a wide variety of dishes. This legume is a natural, organic fertilizer (called a green manure) that fixes nitrogen in the soil for other plants to use. By planting fava beans in your garden, food plot or field, you can improve soil fertility at the same time without needing to add other fertilizers and amendments.$9.99 each 1 lbs. bag. 


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