Reminder- Jewish-Muslim Listening Group- Sunday, January 10, 2010, 1:30 - 4:00 PM @ Temple Beth Hatfiloh

Olympia Jewish-Muslim Listening Group

invites you to a film showing & listening group

Sunday, January 10, 2010

1:30 - 4:00 PM @ Temple Beth Hatfiloh

Come join us for a thought provoking movie and the opportunity to be listened to and listen to others afterwards about what it made you think of and feel.

Please bring a vegetarian potluck dish to share...because we have to have some fun and food too!

For more information or directions, Call any of these wonderful people:

Susan Rosen - 360-790-9046

Nina Berenfeld - 360-701-3949

Tibor Breuer- 360-918-1295

Mustafa MohamedAli- 360-556-3332.

Anise Ahmed- 360-790-1205

Brother Ayub- 360-489-2830

The POWER of FORGIVENESS is a documentary film that explores recent research into the psychological and physical effects of forgiveness on individuals and within relationships under a wide variety of conditions. This includes feature stories on the Amish, the 9/11 tragedy and peace-building in Northern Ireland, along with interviews with renowned Buddhist teacher Thich Nhat Hanh, Nobel Laureate Elie Wiesel, best-selling authors Thomas Moore and Marianne Williamson and others. The film also explores the role forgiveness holds in various faith traditions, providing an honest look at the intensity of anger and grief that human nature is heir to. How forgiving are you ? Take the quiz here -

To Join the online "google-groups", please visit -
The purpose of this group is to connect with members of the Jewish and Muslim communities who may be interested in working on community projects together. We are primarily based in Olympia, WA. The group was formed in 2001 by Jewish and Muslim women primarily and then, expanded to include all who are interested. We welcome you to join and share your thoughts and ideas respectfully!

Please check out our "FILES" section and the special pages archived !

Outreach tools -

Directions here -

To see previous SUKKOT celebration with the muslims, please see -

To see past 8 years of activities with the Jewish-Muslim community,
please see

To view other events in the pipeline, click here -

Thank you !


Muhammad Ayub
Cell - 360-489-2830,

On Tue, Jan 5, 2010 at 11:14 AM, M Ayub wrote:

Olympia Jewish-Muslim Listening Group

invites you to a film showing & listening group

Sunday, January 10, 2010

1:30 - 4:00 PM @ Temple Beth Hatfiloh

Come join us for a thought provoking movie and the opportunity to be listened to and listen to others afterwards about what it made you think of and feel.

Please bring a vegetarian potluck dish to share...because we have to have some fun and food too!

The POWER of FORGIVENESS is a documentary film that explores recent research into the psychological and physical effects of forgiveness on individuals and within relationships under a wide variety of conditions. This includes feature stories on the Amish, the 9/11 tragedy and peace-building in Northern Ireland, along with interviews with renowned Buddhist teacher Thich Nhat Hanh, Nobel Laureate Elie Wiesel, best-selling authors Thomas Moore and Marianne Williamson and others. The film also explores the role forgiveness holds in various faith traditions, providing an honest look at the intensity of anger and grief that human nature is heir to. How forgiving are you ? Take the quiz here -

To Join the online "google-groups", please visit -
The purpose of this group is to connect with members of the Jewish and Muslim communities who may be interested in working on community projects together. We are primarily based in Olympia, WA. The group was formed in 2001 by Jewish and Muslim women primarily and then, expanded to include all who are interested. We welcome you to join and share your thoughts and ideas respectfully!

Please check out our "FILES" section and the special pages archived !

Outreach tools -

Directions here -

To see previous SUKKOT celebration with the muslims, please see -

To see past 8 years of activities with the Jewish-Muslim community,
please see

To view other events in the pipeline, click here -

Thank you !


Muhammad Ayub
Cell - 360-489-2830,


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