I prostrate [touching my forehead in ground] during prayer like Jesus. [Matthew 26:39, Genesis 17:3, Numbers 16:4, 20:6, Joshua 5:14, 7:6, 1 Kings 18:42]
My sisters cover their head like veiled women lived around Jesus. [Genesis 24:65]

I greet my brothers and sisters like Jesus by saying “peace be upon you” [1st Samuel 25:6] in Hebrew “shalom alekum”

I fast by neither eating nor drinking like Jesus. [Matthew 4:2, Matthew 6:16, Matthew 17:21]

I keep away from taking or giving interest as opposed by Jesus. [Deuteronomy 23:19]

My brothers are circumcised like Jesus. [Luke 2:21 and Genesis 17:10, Genesis 17:11,Genesis 17:12,Genesis 17:13]

I will never eat pork as forbidden by Jesus. [Leviticus 11:7-8, Deuteronomy 14:8]

My brothers have beard like Jesus.



Muhammad Ayub, Olympia, Wa
Cell - 360-489-2830.

I bought all my Heirloom veggie seeds for $ 2.00 here - http://www.bountifulgardens.org/

Raising Chickens again this year - http://www.backyardchickens.com/

See you at the BARTER FAIRE - http://www.okanoganfamilyfaire.net/


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