Local workshop to plan actions against Israel - Saturday, May 1, 2010

Local workshop to plan actions against Israel - Saturday, May 1, 2010

For those who are unable to attend the Seerah conf, here is something else worth learning at.
Kindly check out the website and RSVP to Judith Kolokoff jkolokoff@hotmail.com

---------- Forwarded message ----------
From: jeffsiddiqui Siddiqui
Date: Apr 27, 2010 3:10 PM
Subject: Local workshop to plan actions against Israel

People are expected to attend from near AND far, our local Arab communities should also plan on attending so we can coordinate activities with other, like-minded groups and focus effective campaigns against Israel's oppressive machineray.

Jeff Siddiqui
What is Just, is always right. (Jewish saying)


boycott / divestment / sanctions

planning workshop


DATE – Saturday, May 1, 2010

TIME – 11 AM - 5 PM

LOCATION – Bloedel Hall in Saint Mark’s Cathedral (1245 10th Ave E, Seattle, WA 98102)

LUNCH – Will be provided

Participants of the BDS workshop in February’s Sabeel conference in Seattle committed themselves to a follow-up workshop to bring people together for the purpose of developing a broad based , coordinated regional strategy in the Northwest to make our BDS work more effective.

This work is in support of, and takes its leadership from, the call for BDS issued in 2005 by Palestinian civil society which includes an academic and cultural boycott and is based on the firm belief that BDS is the most effective non-violent way to bring an end to the illegal, racist and apartheid occupation of Palestine,-- and to bring justice, equality and peace in Palestine and Israel.

Our goal is to build a strong grassroots movement including participation from diverse communities (i.e., labor, people of color, churches, youth, universities) through developing new organizing strategies and educational tools. With a strong grassroots movement we will be better able to effectively impact on and change the policy of the U.S Government

THIS WILL BE A PARTICIPATORY WORKSHOP…It’s purpose will be to share experiences; look at possible major targets (ie: JNF, Israel Bonds, Boeing, Elbit, the armaments industry, etc); focus on developing strategies to approach labor unions (Longshoremen, service workers, transport workers, etc). and other groups; and to look at new ways to talk about these issues in order to achieve this work. Questions and new ideas are welcome at this workshop. Good resources will be available.

Please circulate this invitation to your listserves: let us know if you are coming to aid in our planning for food etc.

For more information contact: Judith Kolokoff jkolokoff@hotmail.com


Muhammad Ayub, Olympia, Washington.
Cell - 360-489-2830.

I bought all my Heirloom veggie seeds for $ 2.00 here - http://www.bountifulgardens.org/

Join me @ Master Gardener Conference - http://mastergardener.wsu.edu/mgfws/

Raising Chickens again this year - http://www.backyardchickens.com/


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