Hemorrhoids: Reducing the Pain and Discomfort

Hemorrhoids: Reducing the Pain and Discomfort
What are hemorrhoids?
Hemorrhoids are swollen veins in your rectum or anus. The type of hemorrhoid you have depends on where it occurs.
• Internal hemorrhoids involve the veins inside your rectum. Internal hemorrhoids usually don't hurt but they may bleed painlessly.
• Prolapsed hemorrhoids may stretch down until they bulge outside your anus. A prolapsed hemorrhoid may go back inside your rectum on its own, or you can gently push it back inside.
• External hemorrhoids involve the veins outside the anus. They can be itchy or painful and can sometimes crack and bleed.
If you have a hemorrhoid, you may feel a tender lump on the edge of your anus. You may also see blood on the toilet paper or in the toilet after a bowel movement.
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What causes hemorrhoids?
Hemorrhoids are caused by increased pressure in the veins of your anus or rectum. One of the main causes is straining when you're trying to have a bowel movement. This may happen if you're constipated or if you have diarrhea. It may also happen if you sit on the toilet too long. Hemorrhoids can also be caused by obesity, heavy lifting or any other activity that caused you to strain.
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Who gets hemorrhoids?
Just about everyone has hemorrhoids at some time. But some things may make you more likely to get them. People whose parents had hemorrhoids may be more likely to get them. Pregnant women often get hemorrhoids because of the strain from carrying the baby and from giving birth. Being very overweight, or standing or lifting too much can make hemorrhoids worse.
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Should I see my doctor?
See your doctor if you notice bleeding to make sure the cause is hemorrhoids and not some other problem. Bleeding from your rectum or anus or bloody stools may be a sign of something more serious such as cancer.
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What can I do about hemorrhoids?
Preventing constipation
• Include more fiber in your diet. Fresh fruits, leafy vegetables, and whole-grain breads and cereals are good sources of fiber.
• Drink plenty of fluids (except alcohol). Eight glasses of water a day is ideal.
• Exercise regularly.
• Avoid laxatives, except bulk-forming laxatives such as Fiberall, Metamucil, etc. Other types of laxatives can lead to diarrhea, which can worsen hemorrhoids.
• When you feel the need to have a bowel movement, don't wait too long to use the bathroom.
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Relieving the pain
• Take warm baths.
• Clean your anus after each bowel movement by patting gently with moist toilet paper or moistened pads such as baby wipes.
• Use ice packs to relieve swelling.
• Use acetaminophen (Tylenol), ibuprofen (Motrin) or aspirin to help relieve pain.
• Apply a cream that contains witch hazel to the area or use a numbing ointment. Creams that contain hydrocortisone can be used for itching or pain.

Don't use hemorrhoid medicine without talking to your family doctor first.
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Will I need surgery?
Most painful hemorrhoids stop hurting on their own in 1 to 2 weeks. If yours keep causing problems, talk with your doctor.

Rubber band ligation can be used to treat internal hemorrhoids. It involves placing a small rubber band around the base of the hemorrhoid. This stops the flow of blood to the area and the hemorrhoid withers away.

Internal hemorrhoids can also be destroyed by injecting them with a chemical. A hemorrhoidectomy (surgical removal of the hemorrhoid) may be needed if internal hemorrhoids are prolapsed or very large.
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Written by familydoctor.org editorial staff.
American Academy of Family Physicians
Fiber: How to Increase the Amount in Your Diet
Why should I eat more fiber?
Eating the right amount of fiber has been shown to have a wide range of health benefits. Foods that are high in fiber can help in the treatment of constipation, hemorrhoids, diverticulitis (the inflammation of pouches in the digestive tract) and irritable bowel syndrome. Dietary fiber may also help lower your cholesterol, and reduce your risk of coronary heart disease, type 2 diabetes and certain types of cancer.

Eating fiber-rich foods also aids in digestion, the absorption of nutrients and helps you to feel fuller longer after a meal (which can help curb overeating and weight gain).
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How can I get more fiber in my diet?
The amount of fiber you should get from your diet each day depends on your age and sex. Men age 50 and younger should consume at least 38 grams of fiber per day, while men over age 50 should aim for at least 30 grams of fiber daily. Women age 50 and younger should consume at least 25 grams of fiber per day, while women over age 50 should aim for at least 21 grams of fiber daily.

Try the following ideas to increase the fiber in your diet:
• Eat at least 2 cups of fruits and 2 1/2 cups of vegetables each day. Fruits and vegetables that are high in fiber include:
o Beans such as navy (1/2 cup = 9.5 grams), kidney (1/2 cup = 8.2 grams), pinto (1/2 cup = 7.7 grams), black (1/2 cup = 7.5), lima (1/2 = 6.6 grams), white (1/2 cup = 6.3 grams) and great northern (1/2 cup = 6.2 grams).
o Artichokes (1 artichoke = 6.5 grams)
o Sweet potatoes (1 medium sweet potato = 4.8 grams)
o Pears (I small pear = 4.4 grams)
o Green peas (1/2 cup = 4.4 grams)
o Berries such as raspberries (1/2 cup = 4.0 grams) and blackberries (1/2 cup = 3.8 grams)
o Prunes (1/2 cup = 3.8 grams)
o Figs and dates (1/4 cup = 3.6 grams)
o Spinach (1/2 cup = 3.5 grams)
o Apples (1 medium apple = 3.3 grams)
o Oranges (I medium orange = 3.1 grams)
• Replace refined white bread with whole-grain breads and cereals. Eat brown rice instead of white rice. Eat more of the following foods:
o Bran muffins
o Oatmeal
o Bran or multiple-grain cereals, cooked or dry
o Brown rice
o Popcorn
o 100% whole-wheat bread
• When eating store-bought foods, check the nutrition information labels for the amounts of dietary fiber in each product. Aim for 5 grams of fiber per serving.
• Add 1/4 cup of wheat bran (miller's bran) to foods such as cooked cereal, applesauce or meat loaf.
• Eat beans each week.
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Start slowly.
When you first add fiber to your diet you may notice bloating, cramping or gas. But you can prevent this by making smaller changes in your diet over a period of time. Start with one of the changes listed above, then wait several days to a week before making another. If one change doesn't seem to work for you, try a different one.

Be sure to drink more fluids when you increase the amount of fiber you eat. Liquids help your body digest fiber. Try to drink 8 glasses of no- or low-calorie beverages, such as water, unsweetened tea or diet soda each day.
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Written by familydoctor.org editorial staff.
American Academy of Family Physicians


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