10 tips- How to bring the garden of Heaven onto Earth -Thursday, Feb. 4th 2010. 6:30 PM. SEM2, A1107.

10 tips- How to bring the garden of Heaven onto Earth -Thursday, Feb. 4th 2010. 6:30 PM. SEM2, A1107.
We shall also talk / discuss about how to keep sanity in a world strife with hatred and tug-of-war (verbal and physical). Engaging, thought-provoking hand-outs are provided FREE. The program shall begin with guided imagery to calm our senses and bring us to equilibrium. We shall end with a guided meditation and collective prayer.

The program is at Sem II building (right side of Red Square) on the bottom floor in room- A1107. Directions and link to map are below. It is NOT in the Longhouse as previously mentioned (by my own mistake.) The place has changed.

Hope to see you there !


On 1/25/10, M Ayub wrote:
On 1/23/10, F. LaMotte wrote:

Dear Peace-Loving students and Teachers of TESC,

Common Bread (Evergreen's interfaith dialog group) is honored to have Dr. Muhammad Ayub return to speak to us. He will speak on 'Islam and the Garden of Peace,' envisioning a new Middle East through Islam's 'green' teachings on harmony in Allah's creation. Dr. Ayub is a master gardener and an erudite spokesman on Islam. He is also a peace activist who has helped to sustain Olympia's Muslim-Jewish Dialog group, with a peace garden as part of their project.

Date- Thursday, Feb. 4th 2010.

Social Time for tea and snacks- 6:30 PM

Place - The talk will be in the Sem II building (right side of Red Square) on the bottom floor in room- A1107.
Directions - http://www.evergreen.edu/
Click Here for a campus map and look for SEM 2- Room A1107.

"Dr. Ayub is a renaissance man who is self-taught in many fields. Many physicians are uncomfortable outside of Medicine. Dr. Ayub blends his community activism for peace and social justice with his medical profession. With various other community partnerships and stakeholders, a project is underway to build a FREE Clinic in Olympia,WA. At the core, what is near and dear to his heart is farming, gardening, yoga and meditation. In this presentation he will unite his roles as peace activist, gardener, and Islamic scholar, to share an Islamic vision of 'the Garden of Peace'. ( See www.youtube.com/ayub359 )

Please invite your students, and see our site: http://Cbread.blogspot.com/

Feel free to contact Fred LaMotte with any questions, and spread the word! We love to provide guest speakers that enrich the Evergreen community culturally, academically and spiritually. And we are honored when we can provide an event that is of interest to academic programs like yours!

Fred LaMotte (Common Bread Quaker Chaplain)
cell: 253 720-5025


On 1/23/10, F. LaMotte wrote:
I'm looking for text for a short article for the Journal. I got your bio but there was no article attached, just seven pictures. I'd love to have that article, or notes for your talk. The talk will be in the Sem II building (right side of Red Square) on the bottom floor in A1107. PEACE!


Muhammad Ayub
Cell - 360-489-2830.

"Manage your own morale! Carry your own atmosphere with you! Make yourself valuable. HOW ?

Be a fixer, not a finger-pointer! Hold yourself accountable for outcomes. Be positive, not a life-sucker!" ---------- My Father, AbdulHameed AllahBakhash. http://www.islamiccenterofolympia.org

Check out my buddy- Kareem Salama's latest music video- Kareem Salama - Generous Peace (Official Music Video)-



Muhammad Ayub
Cell - 360-489-2830.
"Manage your own morale! Carry your own atmosphere with you! Make yourself valuable. HOW ?
Be a fixer, not a finger-pointer! Hold yourself accountable for outcomes. Be positive, not a life-sucker!" ---------- My Father, AbdulHameed AllahBakhash.

Check out my buddy- Kareem Salama's latest music video- Kareem Salama - Generous Peace (Official Music Video)-



Dr. Muhammad Ayub MD
Olympia, Washington
Cell - 360-489-2830.
Website - www.youtube.com/ayub359

"A drop of ink may make 1000s, perhaps millions to think! So, the pen is mightier than the sword!"

"Kites rise high against the wind, not with it! Ships are safe in the harbor, but that is not why ships are made! Success often comes to those who dare and act; it seldom goes to the timid and the shy!"

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