WHO is coming from your masjid / org. to the SHOORA council meeting - Oct 30,31- Nov 1st, 2009- 5 states' Muslim Family Camping- Ellensburg, WA .

Salaams to all my buddies ! Imam Joban and 100 muslims call you to the SHOORA council meeting - Oct 30,31- Nov 1st, 2009- 5 states' Muslim Family Camping- Ellensburg, WA .

Many of us talk about unity of the muslims quite a lot- Here is a REAL opportunity to DO something concrete and show positive change amongst all the muslims of the 5 states of the pacific northwest. Please give this some serious consideration.

Attached are directions to the CAMP, Agenda, By-laws. Welcome to all the families from Alaska, Idaho, Montana, Oregon and Washington states. Please see the video ad for the Shoora council here - http://www.youtube.com/user/ayub359 - www.youtube.com/ayub359
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Please see attached invitation letter and membership form. There is a rough draft of the by-laws to peruse before you come there for ratification / modification.

Shawwal 15, 1430 October 4, 2009

Dear Brother/Sister,

Peace be upon you, and Allah’s mercy and His blessings. I pray to Allah (swt) that this letter finds you in good health and good spirit!

The Muslim Forum of the Pacific Northwest Invitation Committee is pleased to announce the Forum’s Second Inaugural Muslim Leadership Conference to take place near Ellensburg, Washington between October 30 and November 1, 2009, insha’Allah. The forum was inaugurated at last year’s meeting which occurred at the same place and similar timeframe. Muslim leaders and community members from all over the Pacific Northwest convened at that meeting and agreed upon the forum’s mission, goals and potential activities. Since then, a rough draft of the bylaws was written and memberships were filed and accepted. Currently there are 21 member organizations constituting the forum. The purpose of this year’s meeting will be to finalize the bylaws and select a board of trustees to run the activities of the Forum for the coming term.

For organizations that have not yet joined our Forum, it is our honor and pleasure to invite you and other interested members of your community to attend the conference and be part of this important milestone. For those organizations that have already joined the Forum, please ensure at least 2 representatives of your organization attend the meeting. However, let me also point out that this meeting will serve as a social gathering event with camp activities to be done in parallel with the meetings. So please bring your families along and let them enjoy the stay at the camp and make use of its leisure facilities including soccer, volleyball, table-tennis, billiards and fishing, or just enjoy the outdoors.

Please find attached to this letter a membership form (to be filled out and sent to the address shown) for the non-member organizations, and a copy of the current draft of the bylaws (for review prior to the meeting) for member organizations. The Invitation Committee sincerely hopes that you will take an active role in this noble effort at its formation stage. You will be joining your brothers and sisters from all over the Pacific Northwest to work together toward advancing the cause of Islam and Muslims in our communities and throughout the Pacific Northwest region.

May Allah (swt) guide us all to what’s in the best interest of Islam and Muslims, and honor us to be among His sincere servants who strive in his cause, Aamin!


Omer El-Amin

On behalf of the MFPNW Invitation Committee

Peace be unto all of you and Allah's blessings and His Mercy !
fyi- SAVE THE DATE! Oct 31- Nov 2nd 2009- 5 states' Muslim Family Camping- Ellensburg, WA .
This is just a placeholder, more details to follow from Dr. Omar Al-Ameen of Yakima (cell- 508-314-5000) and WSU- Pullman, Dr. Riyazul Islam (cell- 509-432-9547).
Inshallah, just like last year, there shall be muslims from Washington, Oregon, Montana, Idaho and Alaska.
Come, refresh and rejuvenate yourselves and family ! http://www.mfpnw.org/directions/directions.htm
We shall also work on bylaws, electing a new board / president / office-bearers and future directions/ projects to undertake.
Camp facility -http://www.mfpnw.org/camp/camp.htm
Camp directions - http://www.lazyfcamp.org/

If your masjid / organization has NOT filled up a membership form to be part of the SHOORA council, please tell your board members to do so ASAP. Call to ascertain if your masjid is registered too - Dr. Omar Al-Ameen of Yakima (cell- 508-314-5000) and WSU- Pullman, Dr. Riyazul Islam (cell- 509-432-9547). Please see invitation letter from the committee below.
Attached: - Membership form to give to your Imam / Board president.

This is a good model to follow - http://shuracouncil.org/



Dear Brother/Sister
Assalaamu `Alaykum wa Rahmatu Allah wa Barakatuhu

And hold fast, all together, unto the bond with God, and do not draw apart from
one another. And remember the blessings which God has bestowed upon you: how,
when you were enemies, He brought your hearts together, so that through His
blessing you became brethren; and [how, when] you were on the brink of a fiery
abyss. He saved you from it. In this way God makes clear His messages unto you, so
that you might find guidance. 3:103
By the grace of Allah the inaugural conference of the Muslim Forum of the Pacific Northwest was
held between 31 October and 2 November in Ellensburg Washington. The Forum membership will
consist of Islamic centers and nonprofit Muslim organizations in the Pacific Northwest (Alaska,
Idaho, Montana, Oregon and Washington).
The conference selected an Invitation Committee with the task to contact and invite prospective
centers and organization to join the Forum. On behalf of the invitation committee, it’s my pleasure
to extend this official invitation to your center/organization to join the Forum as a founding
member. We sincerely hope that you would join us and be part in this noble effort for the good of
Islam and Muslims in the entire Pacific Northwest.
Attached to this invitation letter is a synopsis of the meeting proceedings along with the meeting
recommendations for the forum's vision, mission statement, potential programs and activities,
and the membership eligibility criteria. Also attached with this letter is the membership form to be
completed by your organization. Please fill out the form and mail it with the nominal membership
fee of $25 to the address noted on the form within six weeks from the receipt of this letter.
Finally, we pray to Allah to grant us His support and guidance to help serve our communities in
the best possible way and positively impact the status of Muslims and Non-Muslims alike.
Mohammed Riajul Islam, Ph. D.
Coordinator, Invitation Committee
Muslims' Forum of the Pacific Northwest

I remain,
Yours sincerely,

M. Ayub
Cell - 360-489-2830
Best Seeds - www.bountifulgardens.org
My Upcoming Trip- http://www.nps.gov/glac/planyourvisit/goingtothesunroad.htm
My Civic organizations -

My Professional Orgs-

I recommend this Credit Union- http://www.tulipcu.coop/

My daily news source - http://www.democracynow.org/

My website - www.youtube.com/ayub359

My diet - http://www.ravediet.com/

I remain,
Yours sincerely,

M. Ayub
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Cell - 360-489-2830
"If you are neutral in situations of injustice, you have chosen the side of the oppressor. If an elephant has its foot on the tail of a mouse and you say that you are neutral, the mouse will not appreciate your neutrality." - Bishop Desmond Tutu.

My buddies latest music video - http://nativedeen.com/ramadan/thevideo.php


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