Hello! Sister- did your masjid/ organization register ? SAVE THE DATE! Oct 31- Nov 2nd 2009- 5 states' Muslim Family Camping- Ellensburg, WA .

Hello! Brother/ Sister- did your masjid/ organization register ? SAVE THE DATE! Oct 31- Nov 2nd 2009- 5 states' Muslim Family Camping- Ellensburg, WA .

Dear Brother / Sister, (BYLAWS ATTACHED in 190 k zip file)
Peace be unto all of you and Allah's blessings and His Mercy !
fyi- SAVE THE DATE! Oct 31- Nov 2nd 2009- 5 states' Muslim Family Camping- Ellensburg, WA .
Brother- did your masjid/ organization register ?
It's easy- just fill-up the attached application form and send it in with $25.00 to Dr. Omar.

To view last year's monumental milestone leadership conference of 31 masjids- please see http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=DQE5Vgm8JZ4

If facebook works easier for you, here is a link to the event's video clip - http://www.facebook.com/friends/?ref=tn#/video/?id=1387502558

This is just a placeholder, more details to follow from Cardiologist, Dr. Omar Al-Ameen of Yakima (cell- 508-314-5000) and WSU- Pullman, Dr. Riyazul Islam (cell- 509-432-9547).
Inshallah, just like last year, there shall be muslims from Washington, Oregon, Montana, Idaho and Alaska.
Come, refresh and rejuvenate yourselves and family !
We shall also work on bylaws, electing a new board / president / office-bearers and future directions/ projects to undertake.
Camp facility -http://www.mfpnw.org/camp/camp.htm
Camp directions - http://www.lazyfcamp.org/

If your masjid / organization has NOT filled up a membership form to be part of the SHOORA council, please tell your board members to do so ASAP. Call to ascertain if your masjid is registered too - Cardiologist, Dr. Omar Al-Ameen of Yakima (cell- 508-314-5000) and WSU- Pullman, Dr. Riyazul Islam (cell- 509-432-9547). Please see invitation letter from the committee below.
Attached: - Membership form to give to your Imam / Board president.

This is a good model to follow - http://shuracouncil.org/



Dear Brother/Sister
Assalaamu `Alaykum wa Rahmatu Allah wa Barakatuhu

And hold fast, all together, unto the bond with God, and do not draw apart from
one another. And remember the blessings which God has bestowed upon you: how,
when you were enemies, He brought your hearts together, so that through His
blessing you became brethren; and [how, when] you were on the brink of a fiery
abyss. He saved you from it. In this way God makes clear His messages unto you, so
that you might find guidance. 3:103
By the grace of Allah the inaugural conference of the Muslim Forum of the Pacific Northwest was
held between 31 October and 2 November in Ellensburg Washington. The Forum membership will
consist of Islamic centers and nonprofit Muslim organizations in the Pacific Northwest (Alaska,
Idaho, Montana, Oregon and Washington).
The conference selected an Invitation Committee with the task to contact and invite prospective
centers and organization to join the Forum. On behalf of the invitation committee, it’s my pleasure
to extend this official invitation to your center/organization to join the Forum as a founding
member. We sincerely hope that you would join us and be part in this noble effort for the good of
Islam and Muslims in the entire Pacific Northwest.
Attached to this invitation letter is a synopsis of the meeting proceedings along with the meeting
recommendations for the forum's vision, mission statement, potential programs and activities,
and the membership eligibility criteria. Also attached with this letter is the membership form to be
completed by your organization. Please fill out the form and mail it with the nominal membership
fee of $25 to the address noted on the form within six weeks from the receipt of this letter.
Finally, we pray to Allah to grant us His support and guidance to help serve our communities in
the best possible way and positively impact the status of Muslims and Non-Muslims alike.
Mohammed Riajul Islam, Ph. D.
Coordinator, Invitation Committee
Muslims' Forum of the Pacific Northwest

What happened at the Ellensburg Summit?

(Oct.31st – Nov.2nd 2008)

5 States Conference (Alaska, Montana, Idaho, Oregon and Washington states):

65 men and women representatives from various mosques and non-profit, Islamic organizations came to Lazy-F Camping Grounds in Ellensburg, Washington on Friday evening for a weekend of discussions, strategic planning, workshops and brain-storming. The purpose of the conference was to build an effective forum for the Muslim leaders, activists and institutions in the Pacific Northwest region and to discuss how best to promote coordination and cooperation among these Muslim communities.

After an initial ice-breaker activity where participants introduced themselves with descriptions of who they really are as a human-being, what their passions in life and hopes and expectations, people where distributed in 8 groups of 8 participants each. They collectively brain-stormed and hammered out ideas for a vision statement, a mission statement, hopes and expectations and “programs and activities.” A working lunch with the same participants of each group stretched their creativity and imaginations. Cross-pollination of ideas took place. Thinking outside the box led to refreshing new perspectives.

Reconvening after lunch, each group’s spokesperson elaborated on their group’s productivity and discussed the reasons why they chose particular directions and arenas for the future activities of the coalition. The mood was upbeat and optimistic. There was a lot of positive energy in the conference hall. The various groups’ vision, mission and program statements were written on large flip-charts and then, each individual representative from 32 organizations was given 5 votes (color-coded) to use on the statements that best represent the interests and feelings of the people that they represent. Here are the finalists:


The vision of the Muslim Forum of the Pacific Northwest is to enable participating organizations to achieve excellence in serving their respective communities to present Islam as a “Mercy to all Mankind.”


The mission of the Muslim Forum of the Pacific Northwest is to enable growth and improvement by providing vehicles and tools for sharing resources, speakers, expertise, and curriculum as well as enabling them to communicate and collaborate effectively among themselves to build future leaders.


* This forum shall not get involved directly in the operations or internal affairs of the member Islamic centers, masjids or organizations.

* Take small steps in the beginning and growth in the long run.

* Facilitate face-to-face communication quarterly at a minimum.

* Do a “community needs assessment and analysis” in order to discover our strengths, weakness, opportunities and threats (SWOT) and also a PEST analysis (PEST is an acronym for Political, Economic, Social and Technological factors) at the next gathering.

* Achieve results; less talk, more work. Outline milestones and measurable goals and move past them.

* Members will be respectful of each others turn to talk, time limits, and sensitivities and follow general Islamic etiquettes.

* This forum/coalition will focus and give special priority to the youth and develop leadership skills in them by sponsoring for special courses.


Leadership Training- (Resources management, volunteer appreciation, fund-raising techniques, financial management, Public Speaking skills, Media training, etc.)

Education: Share Sunday school curriculum, have Interstate scholastic tournament, promote exchange students during vacation times; provide a list-serve for Sunday-school teachers’ discussions only.

Social Programs: Matrimonial advertisements and compatibility checks, Zakat collection and disbursement, training on funeral arrangements, Annual 5 state regional conference for all families, foster-care for Muslim refugees, etc.

Civic Engagement: Public Press releases on Muslim festivals and holidays as well as statements on emergency issues that may come up. Help increase positive media coverage of Islam and Muslims.

Dawah/ Outreach programs: Educational booths, New Muslim support system.

Technical: Maintain a community website for all 5 states and different list-serves for different categories. Share resources and Speakers’ Bureau database through this. Share news of events, activities and action items through this.

Thereafter, all participants enjoyed 3 hours of down-time and took a walk in the woods along the bubbling streams and brooks. The youth (and even some adults) signed up with the camp coach to climb the 40-foot wall (in a safety harness.) After an early dinner and combined Maghrib and Isha salat, they reconvened for a session of membership eligibility and funding for this new organization.


Open to all Muslim non-profit organizations, masjids, and Islamic centers. Since we are going to apply for the 501-c-3 status, Muslim businesses may not join. However, they may donate or advertise in the program brochures.

FUNDING: The membership fees shall be set at an affordable $25.00 per organization per annum. Separate fees for Picnic, camping, leadership training courses, youth courses, Sunday school teachers’ retreat or Annual Conference shall be collected when applicable.

Finally, it was resolved that this organization be formed with the 32 charter members and representatives present. However, in order to formalize the process, the individual establishments shall complete the application form, include a check and affirm their willingness to participate. The wisdom of this slow and steady approach was to facilitate due process through each board of the masjid and executive councils of the organizations. The bank account of the Islamic Center of Yakima was accepted by consensus as a temporary repository of funds during the interim period of one year. An invitation committee comprising of the following individuals was selected by voting/nomination by the audience:

1- Riazul Islam, Chairman, Islamic Center of Pullman, WA.

2- Mohammed Al- Haddad, Islamic Center of Boise, ID.

3- Imtiyaz Khan – Masjid As-Saber, Portland, OR.

4- Dr. Omar El-Amin, Islamic Center of Yakima, WA.

5- Dr. Muhammad Ayub, CAIR-WA and ICNA- WhyIslam, WA.

They shall send out the invitations and receive the applications from all the Muslim organizations in the 5 states. Dates for the meeting of the entire council members shall be determined later by mutual consultations.

The conference ended with an inspirational speech and moving duaa by Shaikh Marotha Pasha, from Iqamat Deen organization, Tacoma. Lots of hugs, emails, contact info and promises to meet again were exchanged. A survey to gauge the good things of the camp and the areas for improvement was conducted. Participants returned home with high hopes, renewed commitment and recharged energies after getting a boost from fellow Muslims.

I remain,
Yours sincerely,

M. Ayub
Cell - 360-489-2830
Best Seeds - www.bountifulgardens.org
My Upcoming Trip- http://www.nps.gov/glac/planyourvisit/goingtothesunroad.htm
My Civic organizations -

My Professional Orgs-

I recommend this Credit Union- http://www.tulipcu.coop/

My daily news source - http://www.democracynow.org/

My website - www.youtube.com/ayub359

My diet - http://www.ravediet.com/

I remain,
Yours sincerely,

M. Ayub
Cell - 360-489-2830
Best Seeds - www.bountifulgardens.org
My Upcoming Trip- http://www.nps.gov/glac/planyourvisit/goingtothesunroad.htm
My Civic organizations -

My Professional Orgs-

I recommend this Credit Union- http://www.tulipcu.coop/

My daily news source - http://www.democracynow.org/

My website - www.youtube.com/ayub359

My diet - http://www.ravediet.com/


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