Tonight- March, 16th- 6:30 PM- Rachel Corrie Event- "Break the Gaza-Palestine Blockade"

Tonight- March, 16th- 6:30 PM- Rachel Corrie Event- "Break the Gaza-Palestine Blockade"

LOCATION: The Urban Onion Ballroom

116 Legion Way SE
Olympia, WA 98501

DATE: March 16th, 2010

TIME: 6:30pm

Co-Sponsored by: Fellowship of Reconciliation,, and Islamic Circle of North America,

EVENT: Seeking Accountability, Seeking Justice: Rachel Corrie Seven Years Later

On the seventh anniversary of the death of Rachel Corrie--the Olympian woman crushed to death by an Israeli military Caterpillar bulldozer as she stood protecting a Palestinian families home in Gaza—we come together to remember Rachel and to stand in solidarity with the Palestinian people who continue to suffer under Israeli occupation.

Join us at The Urban Onion Ballroom on March 16th at 6:30pm.

We will begin the evening with a community potluck, please bring a dish to share and enjoy with others. Beverages, utensils and plates will be provided. The potluck will be followed by an overview of the journey seeking justice for Rachel’s killing over the past seven years and an update on the civil court case that Cindy and Craig Corrie, Rachel’s parents, have filed in Israel seeking accountability for Rachel’s killing. The Corrie’s will be in Israel during this time and we will get an update on the proceedings taking place. We will also hear from our friends at the Rachel Corrie Youth and Cultural Center in Rafah and learn about their activities and remembrance of Rachel on this day. The evening will close with music by Olympia native Afrok and accompanying band.

Please join us!

Co-Sponsored by: Fellowship of Reconciliation,, and Islamic Circle of North America,, Greater Seattle chapter of Veterans for Peace,

CONTACT: Serena Becker
ORGANIZATION: The Rachel Corrie Foundation for Peace and Justice
PHONE: 360.754.3998

Olympia will be participating in this Day of Conscience-Rachel Corrie Day
of Action.

Join us at The Urban Onion Ballroom, 116 Legion Way SE, Olympia, WA 98501

March 16th, 2010 at 6:30pm



This month, a civil lawsuit in Israel in the case of our daughter
Rachel Corrie will converge with the seven-year anniversary of her
killing in Gaza. A human rights observer and activist, Rachel, 23, was
crushed to death by an Israel Defense Force (IDF) Caterpillar D9R
bulldozer as she tried nonviolently to offer protection for a
Palestinian family whose home was threatened with demolition. This
lawsuit is one piece of our family’s seven-year effort to pursue
accountabiliy for Rachel while, also, challenging the Occupation that
claimed her life.

International Day of Conscience – Rachel Corrie Day of Action – Be

In what some will mark as an “International Day of Conscience,” on
March 16 (or in days before and after) please help us bring attention
to the trial in Israel in Rachel's case and the larger, but connected,
issues. Try to be visible - in events, vigils, and actions that call
for truth, accountability and justice, in Rachel’s case and link to
the following:

*Lack of accountability for thousands of lives lost, or indelibly
injured, by occupation—in a besieged and beleaguered Gaza and
throughout Palestine/Israel.
*The Israeli Government and Military assault on nonviolent human
rights activists (Palestinian, Israeli, and international).
*Lack of access for Palestinians to Israeli courts.

Help us make your effort visible.

Post your event/activity at the U.S. Campaign to End the Israeli
Occupation website:
List it as a March 16-Rachel Corrie Day of Action event. Send word
of your event to

Break the Gaza Blockade – Contact the White House

Comment line: 202-456-1111
 FAX: 202-456-2461 E-mail at

On March 16th please contact the White House and tell President Obama
that if Israel will not break the siege of Gaza, then the United
States must do so. Call for the United States to break the Gaza
blockade, provide immediate humanitarian aid, and urge Special Envoy
Mitchell to visit Gaza. See Congressman Brian Baird's call (after his
recent visit to Gaza) for the U.S. to end the blockade.


For information about the trial in Rachel Corrie's case in Haifa
District Court in Israel, beginning Wednesday, March 10, and to sign
up for trial alerts, please visit the Rachel Corrie Foundation website

Please pass the word along to others!

We expect this to be a challenging time, but the friendship we have
felt from so many of you over the years will help us navigate the
weeks ahead. Though the course and outcome of the trial are unknown, we welcome the opportunity to raise and
highlight many of the critical issues to which Rachel's case is
linked. Thank you for your continuing support.

In solidarity and with much appreciation,

Cindy & Craig Corrie

please visit the Rachel Corrie Foundation website

Serena Becker

The Rachel Corrie Foundation for Peace and Justice 203 Fourth Ave. E,
Suite 307 Olympia, WA 98501

please visit the Rachel Corrie Foundation website

Muhammad Ayub
Cell - 360-489-2830.
My "favorite" useful Websites -
For DynaMed, click here -
Wildnerness Medical Society -
ALPER'S compendium of medical links -
Physicians for Human Rights -
Physicians for Social Responsibility -
Patient Hand-outs in Simple English -
FREE Medline plus -
STABLE program for babies -
TRAUMA articles as PDFs -


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