Fort Hood shootings.

Posted by Muhammad Ayub, Olympia, WA on Thursday night.

Assalam alaikum,
By now, I am sure everyone is aware of the attack in Fort Hood.
From the sound of the perpetrator's name (Maj. Malik Nadal Hasan, an Army psychiatrist), this idiot is likely to be from South Asia.

We grieve for the dead and wounded soldiers and for their families and We are outraged at the betrayal to his uniform and to his country (and his fellow soldiers), that Maj. Malik has done by his murders. It is bad enough for a family to be getting ready to see their loved ones off to Afghanistan, but to hear that their loved one was killed or wounded right here, by a fellow soldier, must be the ultimate insult to the ultimate amount of compassion or sympathy can alleviate their sorrow.

Although many will refer to this as a "cowardly attack", there is nothing "cowardly" or brave about this man's attack; it is simply an act of evil. We don't know what set him off or who the other two soldiers are, but this is a horrible incident which guarantees talk shows for the next few days, quite a bunch of hate directed against "Muzlems" and calls to explain ourselves. We may never get the answer to "why?" and we can speculate all we like because as humans, we need to be able to rationalize tragedy, but we will have to get used to the fact that we don't know...speculations though, will grow by the second and all against Islam and Muslims.

Not only has he betrayed his non-Muslim fellow Americans, he has also betrayed Muslim Americans, because his actions have opened more doors of bigotry against the rest of us American Muslims.
Let us hope and pray for calm.

Jafar Siddiqui


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