Washington State Permaculture Convergence - September 18-20 - near Belfair

Washington State Permaculture Convergence - September 18-20 - near Belfair

Dr. Muhammad Ayub from Olympia, WAshington shall be attending this great educational and net-working event. Will you be coming too ?
Kindly register / RSVP !

Washington State Permaculture Convergence - near Belfair

September 18-20, 2009
Please join us for the Second Annual Washington State Permaculture Convergence,September 18-20, 2009 to be held at Sahale Learning Center near Belfair, Washington - on the north shore of beautiful Hood Canal. We will feature a weekend of networking, workshops and conversations with friends and peers among Washington state's permaculture community.

The gathering will be an educational event offering workshops on such diverse subjects as biochar creation and usage, Ecovillage development, local currency systems, forest garden systems, large-scale installations, Brown's gas, water catchment, green roofs, the Transition Town and Anastasia movements, and other topics of interest for seasoned practitioners and newcomers alike. We expect there will be advanced as well as basic level workshops; the final format of the event will be influenced by those members who offer topics up to the last minute!
Attendance fees are $100-$70 on a sliding scale, this includes camping and delicious home-cooked meals. To keep costs down we are again asking participants to bring food (hopefully from their own gardens) to contribute to the communal kitchen. There are work/trade opportunities available for those with limited funds - we want our event to be open to all, regardless of income level. P
lease call 360-820-8586 or e-mail permaculture@earthlink.net to register. Carpooling is highly encouraged - for Olympia, contact Pat Rasmussen patr@crcwnet.com or cell 509-669-1549 if you need a ride or have room in your car. www.washingtonstatepermaculture.org


Doug Bullock – Keynote Speaker – www.permacultureportal.com - topic TBA
Also: Permaculture in the Professional Design Realm – with Dave Boehnlein
Michael ‘Skeeter’ Pilarski – www.friendsofthetrees.net
Establishing Multi-Story, Perennial Agro-Ecosystems
Also: Early Saturday Morning Plant Walk and Wildcrafting
Jeff Kraus
Demo: Solar Hot Water - Using evacuated tube technology in simple batch/gravity systems.
David MacLeod
Energy and Permaculture – David will review a recent article by David Holmgren addressing embodied energy, Peak Oil and energy descent.
Rick Valley – www.lostvalley.com

Storage Strategies: Including Water, Carbon and Keyline
Dave Boehnlein – www.exosdesign.com and Sandeep Goel
Permaculture in the Professional Design Realm – with Doug Bullock
Brian Hindman – Civil Engineering & Land Survey Technician
Low Tech Site Surveys - Mapping your site using hand tools and other mapping resources.
Leo Brodie, David MacLeod & Cindi Landreth
The Transition Town Movement and Permaculture
Pat Rasmussen – www.terracommons.us Edible Forest Gardens: Now with Mycoremediation! – Pat and Amandine Murphy will report on several Terra Commons projects that use both techniques.
Amandine Murphy & Shay Hohmman – Terra Commons Interns
Hands-on Demonstration - Mushroom Log Innoculations and Bunker Spawn Creation for Mycoremediation
Melanie Rios
Permaculture Education – An initial 15-minute session presenting ideas for how to apply permaculture principles to teaching, then facilitated interactive opportunities for participants to explore, in small and large groups, ideas for enhancing PDCs and other courses.
Paul Wheaton – www.richsoil.com
“Concerns about the way some people raise chickens”: An exploration of six chicken raising techniques and exploring ways to eliminate cleaning chicken poop and nearly eliminate chicken feed costs.
Rocket Mass Heaters- For $20 and a weekend, you can heat your home with five times less wood and zero smoke.
John Cruickshank – www.hobbithouse.net
Solar Heated and Cooled Greenhouses and the Subterranean Heating and Cooling System
Sam Benowitz – www.raintreenursery.com
The Most Reliable Fruits for Western Washington and their Uses in the Landscape.
Tom Allen
Taste Traditions – Adjusting our palate away from the traditional Western diet.
Elder Knowledge Downloads w/Jenny Pell – Tapping into skilled elders’ knowledge.
Media & Permaculture – Communications within the PC community.
Brent Naylor & Jeff Gee – www.twinharborscoalition.org
Localizing Permaculture – Starting and Maintaining a Local Permaculture Network. This presentation will outline what they’ve started, how it got there and the tools others can use to get going.
Intro into Residential Renewable Energy and Public Policy. This presentation covers photovoltaic, wind, domestic solar hot water and the local, state and national policies and incentives available to enable grid access and lower the costs.
Marisha Auerbach – www.herbnwisdom.com
Seed Saving as an Activist Practice – Marisha will also be hosting a seed swap in conjunction with her workshop on Seed Saving.
Deston Denniston – www.abundancepermaculture.com
Mycelium in the Machine: Permaculture and Public Works - Describing the work done with Clark County in developing a permaculture based land use plan.
Bruce Weiskotten – www.panearthdesigns.net
Reviewing the Sepp Holtzer Tour - with a discussion of how and how much he teaches of the principles we know of as Mollison-Holmgren permaculture design and where he covers new ground.
Ecovillage Master Plan – Presentation of a plan produced for a sub-rural subdivision of permaculture homesteads that has two other community projects within walking distance.
Angela Hoffman for Chuck Estin – www.biosdesign.us
Presentation of a large-scale high-end installation in Eatonville.
Larry Korn – www.onestrawrevolution.net
Masanobu Fukuoka and Permaculture: a Town Hall Meeting - An open discussion about issues such as "invasive" species, native vs. non-native plants, compost, pruning, conscious site design or not?, growing vegetables like wild plants...can it be done on a commercial scale? and other topics of the group's choice.
Kristan Johnson – www.nwfruit.org
Permaculture in Suburbia - Trials and tribulations about 30 years of integrating Edible Landscape and Permaculture into mainstream suburbia.
Kristan attended the first Permaculture course taught in the USA, at Evergreen State College in Olympia, WA. He then attended the first PDC taught by Bill Mollison in the USA, and went on to design the 7-acre public demonstration fruit garden in Mt. Vernon for the Western Washington Fruit Research Foundation.
Jenny Pell – www.permaculturenow.com
Earn a Living with Permaculture - How to Plan, Budget, and Make a Profit!
Managing our income flows can turn stress into fun and right livelihood. In this 1 1/2 hour workshop we will:
Identify course and workshop expenses
Learn how to use simple Excel spreadsheets
Identify break-even and profit points
Examine marketing techniques
Discuss how to engage new partners to maximize enrollment
Explore the growing demand for permaculture education and services
Elder Knowledge Downloads w/Tom Allen – Tapping into skilled elders’ knowledge.

Jeni & Gordon Hogenson – Native Plants for Hedgerows.
Joe Royce – Comparing the Hidden Costs of Permaculture and Agriculture.
John & Linda Crutcher - Spring Box & Other Water Systems (Gravity Fed).
Susan Ferrel - www.madronacenter.com Closing the Loop on Chickens; growing their food and finding their places in a permaculture system.
Marisha Auerbach – www.herbnwisdom.com Interns, Volunteers and Work/Traders : How do we harvest this valuable resource?
Kelda Miller – www.divinearthgp.com Organizing Permies for Disaster Relief.
* * * * * *

Althea and Martin Valley (see their dad, Rick Valley, above)
Cob Construction for Fairy Homes – A Hands-on Demo for the young and young-at-heart!
Kimberly Leeper – Naturalist
Plant Walk through the wilds of Sahale!
Anita Manuel – Music Educator
The Voice of the Drum – Learning to talk and listen through our hands.
Susan Moser – topic TBA
Francis Ayley – www.lifedollars.org – topic TBA
Mike Broili – www.lsdg.net – topic TBA
Ankur Shah – topic TBA
Albert Postema – www.fromthegrounddown.com – topic TBA

-- I remain, Yours sincerely, M. AyubCell - 360-489-2830Best Seeds - www.bountifulgardens.orgMy Upcoming Trip- http://www.nps.gov/glac/planyourvisit/goingtothesunroad.htmMy Civic organizations - http://www.rachelcorriefoundation.org/site/http://www.cairseattle.org/www.icna.comhttp://www.greenpeace.org/usa/http://www.peta.org/My Professional Orgs- http://www.aafp.org/online/en/home.htmlhttp://physiciansforhumanrights.org/http://www.psr.org/I recommend this Credit Union- http://www.tulipcu.coop/My daily news source - http://www.democracynow.org/My website - www.youtube.com/ayub359 My diet - http://www.ravediet.com/


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