
Catering Company for Sale- $1000 dollars gets you everything. "TAJMAHAL WORLD CULTURES AND CUISINES"

Proposal - Muslims kids'/ teenagers participation in 4th of July parade.

Local workshop to plan actions against Israel - Saturday, May 1, 2010


White privilege: Imagine if the Tea Party Were Black...or Muzlem!

Tonight- March, 16th- 6:30 PM- Rachel Corrie Event- "Break the Gaza-Palestine Blockade"

Time correction- Ta'aleem and Potluck-Friday-7:30 PM - after Maghrib- 03-19-2010. Sh. Kaleemullah.

Hemorrhoids: Reducing the Pain and Discomfort

10 tips- How to bring the garden of Heaven onto Earth -Thursday, Feb. 4th 2010. 6:30 PM. SEM2, A1107.

01-07-2010- Thursday, 5:30 PM - Farmer's Celebration and showcase

Reminder- Jewish-Muslim Listening Group- Sunday, January 10, 2010, 1:30 - 4:00 PM @ Temple Beth Hatfiloh